Saturday, March 20, 2010

how we de-funkify our faces

This conversation was held via GChat on March 19th, 2010.

effie: so there's like...oats. in my bathtub.

abba: ok. i don't know why that brings to mind horses. do you now have a fucking horse in your apartment, because if you do i want to ride it.
also, is your horse amazing? and does it turn into a plane?

effie: no horses

abba: damn.

effie: but you know how adrian and ryan hung out at my house on Sunday?

abba: no, but go on.

effie: alright well you know i had this idea that i should help adrian clean up a little since he's gonna be getting job interviews and shit
and ryan wanted to jump on the bandwagon
he mentioned that he feels like he looks tired and haggard
which is nonsense, he has fucking perfect skin but whatever
i looked up recipes for skin brightening masks
and lemme tell you
but it worked

abba: what was the recipe?

effie: it's one cup plain yogurt, 1/2 a cup of oats, a tbsp of honey and a few squirts of lime juice

abba: nice. that sounds delicious.
and you leave it on?

effie: i left it on like 10 minutes
it looked like someone had vomited all over us
and the yogurt funk is pretty powerful

abba: the funk? did the lime juice curdle it or something?

effie: it might've
i guess you don't realize how strong yogurt smells until it's on your fuckin face, you know?

abba: yeah, makes sense.

effie: anyway, everyone unanimously agreed there was a difference
we all felt tighter and brighter

abba: hey, do you remember that time that you did a face mask with the Queen Helene stuff and you had a crazy reaction?

effie: OMG
and i was drunk and afraid to take benadryl
because i have to be shitfaced to really feel that SPA RELAXATION
i thought it would be brilliant to put the mint julep mask on my t zone where i'm oily
and the olive oil mask everywhere else where i'm dry
well ALL OF IT fucked me up

abba: ok, im glad you said the olive oil mask.
because i used it the other day and chris and i both had the WORSE REACTION

effie: what the fuck haahahhaha
umm sexy motherplumper lip gloss does that
not even joking
that shit is fire

abba: ok, but that makes sense. WHY THE FUCK DOES OLIVE OIL MASK DO THAT

effie: i'm sure you can make a mask at home with olive oil
in fact i remember seeing one

abba: im pretty sure you can just rub olive oil all over your face and get some really nice moisturizing benefits.
without the crazy chemical peel feeling
thats what they use to the olde tymes.

effie: yeah i dunno about main-lining the EVOO, that might be a little too much for the oily parts of my face
but i know you can incorporate it as an ingredient with yogurt as the preferred base

abba: i need to start using it.

effie: greek yogurt would be even better but it's expensive

abba: and so delicious. the mask wouldn't work cause ID FUCKIN' EAT THAT SHIT FIRST.

effie: ahahahahaha

abba: but right now, i'm pretty satisfied with the mint julep mask on my tzone and moisturizer on my dry spots. god damn combo/oily skin makes everything so fucking complicated.

effie: I KNOW RITE

abba: what moisturizer are you using, btw?

effie: i've been using boots
for sensitive skin

it's really light

abba: ive been using cetaphil daily with SPFz.
its pretty nice. a little goes a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way.
which is good cause the bottle was 8 frikkin' bucks for a thimble-full.

effie: cetaphil's supposed to be the shit
i got a decent sized tub of the boots stuff for not a lot
it does the job
i might switch toner though
i'm using sea breeze but it's a little rowdy

abba: my toner is more like an acid bath.
im using clean and clear astringent.

effie: hahahah yeah i think i'm gonna switch to witch hazel
at least the sea breeze compensates for how utterly useless my cleanser is

abba: i've never owned a cleanser that doesn't leave makeup behind. my toner always picks some nasty shit up.
im sure this can be remedied by washing twice

effie: dude right? the cottonball is like BLACK


effie: hahahaha
i don't remember being in black face

abba: LOL

effie: so what i'm using right now is also by boots
it's called beautifully balanced
and the only thing going for it is that it smells strongly like scotch

abba: and rich mahogany?

effie: and leatherbound books.
many of them.

abba: lolol. alright listen. i have to get going soon.

effie: me too

abba: lets wrap this up by posting our basic routine.
for face care.

effie: cleanser, toner and moisturizer
however i'm a big fan of proactiv scrub
and origins a perfect world serum
it goes on after toning and before moisturizing
tons of antioxidants

abba: i need a good serum. i love mom's boots serum.
i have to find out the name.
its like fucking silk.

effie: also origins checks and balances cleanser R00LZ

abba: for me it’s
cleanser, toner, moisturizer, eye cream. scrub once every 3 days. i'm using a green tea, sugar, honey, lemon scrub. DIY BITCH. and the mint julep mask twice a week.

effie: WORD
oh also, word up to shiseido white lucent mask
if you just feel like spending mad cash on your face
that shit is GOOD

abba: f'real. making it rain...on your face.

effie: lol

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